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Node to Rust, Day 24: Crates & Valuable Tools

Node to Rust, Day 24: Crates & Valuable Tools

The crates and other tools that will help you be a better Rustacean.

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  1. Node to Rust, Day 14: Managing Errors
    Node to Rust, Day 14: Managing Errors

    Tue, Dec 14 2021

    Introduction So much of Rust’s documentation is explanation-heavy vs JavaScript’s example-oriented culture. The examples that do exist often involve unrelated concepts that add no value to the topic in question. I still aim to submit a PR …

  2. Node to Rust, Day 13: Demystifying Results & Options
    Node to Rust, Day 13: Demystifying Results & Options

    Mon, Dec 13 2021

    Introduction I briefly touched on the Option enum on Day 8 when we were using HashMap methods to look up keys. There’s no way for the HashMap to guarantee that a key will exist, so its API needs to account for returning something as well as …

  3. Node to Rust, Day 12: Strings, Part 2
    Node to Rust, Day 12: Strings, Part 2

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    Introduction Now that you’re getting confident, you are probably itching to start your own projects. You know how to write some basic Rust. You know how to structure code. You’re done with contrived examples with traffic lights. As you …

  4. Node to Rust, Day 11: The Module System
    Node to Rust, Day 11: The Module System

    Sat, Dec 11 2021

    Introduction When released, one of node.js’s outstanding features was how simple it was to use. Want to run a JavaScript file? Just use node file.js. Want to include a local module? Then require("./module.js"). If your require() …

  5. Node to Rust, Day 10: From Mixins to Traits
    Node to Rust, Day 10: From Mixins to Traits

    Fri, Dec 10 2021

    Introduction Traits are Rust’s answer to reusable behavior. They’re similar to JavaScript mixins and the mixin pattern. If you’re not familiar with JavaScript mixins, it’s no more than adding a collection of methods to …